The Community Foundation for Ireland’s €100,000 Environment and Nature Fund is a great opportunity for Galway community groups to promote sustainable development, according to Galway East TD and Minister for Rural Affairs Seán Canney.

The fund aims to create sustainable communities by promoting the circular economy and sustainable consumption, while reducing waste.

Minister Canney said: “The fund, which includes matched funding from the Environmental Protection Agency, offers three types of grant.

“Grants are available up to €3,000 for Community Action Plans focused on reducing consumption and waste in the areas of food waste, plastic and packaging.

“Grants of up to €5,000 can be applied for to support community groups to pilot new and innovative approaches around reducing consumption and waste in the areas of food, plastic, packaging, clothing, textiles and electrical items.

“Finally, up to €10,000 could be available to grow existing schemes to reduce consumption and waste into bigger projects to reach a larger number of users and which could act as an example to other groups.

“I would urge all community groups to consider making applications for funding and play their part in the national effort to promote sustainability and reduce waste.”

Further details about the fund and applications forms can be found at .

The closing date for applications is 4pm August 2 2019.

For more information, contact Minister Canney on 086-2513639

July 5 2019

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