Co-signs Commission of Investigation (Nursing Homes) Bill 2022

I have co-signed the Commission of Investigation (Nursing Homes) Bill 2022 along with Catherine Connolly TD and Peadar Tobin TD.

The purpose of this Bill is to provide for a public inquiry into the management, in connection with nursing homes, of the risks to human life and health posed by Covid-19, to specify a number of the issues to be encompassed within the terms of reference of the Commission of Investigation established to conduct that inquiry; and to require the Commission to be established within a set timeframe.
The Proposed Bill requires the government to make an order establishing the required Commission of Investigation, not later than two months after the passing of the Bill. It provides for the procedure for establishing this Commission.
The Bill also governs the terms of the order establishing the Commission, which is to carry out an investigation into, and prepare one or more reports on, the matter of significant public concern.
The Bill will now proceed to second stage reading in private members’ time.
“It is essential that the significant public concern which the Commission is to investigate and report on are put on a legal footing”
“We need to investigate what went wrong in Nursing Homes during the pandemic, we need to put proper procedures and supports in place and we need to learn from the past.

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