Press Releases from Minister Sean Canney TD.
Welcomes €79.5 million Ash dieback support package for farmers
I welcome the announcement of a €79.5 million package for farmers affected by ash dieback by Minister for Agriculture Charlie McConalogue TD today. “I welcome this scheme, but I will need to see the detail [...]
Canney Welcomes inclusion of the Western Rail Corridor in the EU Transport network.
I welcome the decision by the European Parliament to include The Western Rail Corridor and Galway Port in the TEN-T Network following an application by the Irish Government last month. This is a game changer [...]
Ireland must defend turf cutting following the decision by the European Commission to take Ireland to the European Court of Justice.
I have called on the Irish Government to defend the rights of people to cut turf for their own use. The European Union has announced that they are taking the Irish Government to the European [...]
Roll out of Fiber optic Broadband needs to be accelerated to meet demand
I am calling on National Broadband Ireland (NBI) and Government to accelerate the build out of the National Broadband Plan if we are to achieve the target of 96% of all houses and premises to [...]
Calls for meaningful investment in Wastewater Treatment Systems
I have called on the Department of Housing to invest in the delivery of wastewater treatment plants in towns and villages if we are to deliver housing. The Government need to invest at least €500 [...]
Government needs to build trust with farmers on the issue of Designations and the Farm Plan Scheme
The Government need to build trust with farmers where land is designated for up to 26 years and have received very little support. “I along with fellow TD’s Denis Naughten and Carol Nolan recently met [...]
Welcomes commencement of construction of new Outpatient building at Merlin Park, Galway
I have received confirmation that construction works are to begin within the next two week on the new Outpatient building at Merlin Park Hospital Galway. This facility when complete will provide outpatient facilities in line [...]
Welcome funding for Community Centres in Galway
I welcome the allocation of funding to community centres to improve facilities. In all 21 community centres will benefit from the funding. “Works to be supported include extensions to existing centres, provision of meeting rooms, [...]
Housing for All not delivering houses where there is demand
I have challenged the Housing for All Policy. It is not living up to its promises. Firstly, the Affordable Purchase Scheme is not available in Galway or throughout the country and people are frustrated at [...]
Government must provide additional supports to first time home buyers in light of increase costs of building
I have called on the Government to provide additional supports to first time buyers of new homes. “I have been contacted by many young couples who had their new homes costed and have been approved [...]