Press Releases from Minister Sean Canney TD.
ACRES not delivering for farmers.
I have expressed concern the ACRES scheme as designed is not delivering the expected support for farmers. I am being contacted by farmers whose applications are now being checked by the Department of Agriculture scientists [...]
Canney – Independent Regional Group TDs Publish Pre-Budget Submission 2025: Advocating a better future for all.
Sean Canney Independent TD along with the Independent Regional Group of TDs published their pre-budget submission 2025 today urging the Government to adopt an integrated approach with clear, actionable goals in its final budget. The [...]
Welcomes Publication of All-Ireland Rail Review.
I welcome the publication of the All-Ireland Rail Review by the Irish Government and The Executive in Northern Ireland. The review sets out the strategy by which rail transport on the Island of Ireland will [...]
Expressed concern at the increase in waiting times for Podiatry services in Galway.
I have received confirmation from the HSE that presently there are over 1200 patients on waiting lists for podiatry services in Galway. This up from the February waiting numbers of 686 patients. “There are two [...]
Welcomes Installation of the Audiology Clinic in Tuam Primary Care Centre.
I have received confirmation from the Head of Primary Care Services that the Audiology Clinic is being installed in Tuam Primary Care Centre and will be up and running by the beginning of August. Presently [...]
Welcomes funding for Tuam Town Hall
I have received confirmation the Galway County Council have been allocated €3.6 million for the refurbishment of Tuam Town Hall. The funding under the Rural Regeneration Development Fund will provide for the refurbishment of the [...]
Welcomes funding for Athenry Town Centre Regeneration
I have received confirmation the Galway County Council have been allocated €6 million for the development of Athenry Town Centre. The funding under the Rural Regeneration Development Fund will provide for the refurbishment of the [...]
Welcomes €1.6m Government funding for sport equipment to various sporting organisations in County Galway.
I have been notified that the Department of Sport & Tourism have today allocated €1.6m to various sporting organisations in Co Galway. “This funding will aid sporting organisations to purchase much needed equipment such as [...]
Government need to re-examine the Affordable Housing Scheme as it is not workable in many parts of the country
I have asked Government to review the Affordable Housing Scheme as it is not working in areas of the country where the density levels cannot be achieved. “The amount of equity being put forward under [...]