National Posts
National posts and information articles by public representative Sean Canney TD for the constituency of East Galway in the West of Ireland
National posts and information articles by public representative Sean Canney TD for the constituency of East Galway in the West of Ireland
I urge people to check their passports prior to booking flights. The time to process a passport application can vary. It is very important to know the time it takes to process a passport and [...]
I stated in the Dáil this week that the lack of funding of Irish Water has now become an impediment to the delivery of Irelands infrastructure including housing, schools and industrial buildings. “There are significant [...]
I welcome the news that Global solutions Company XPO Logistics and Irish Rail have announced the commencement of a new twice weekly rail freight services between Ballina and Waterford Port. “The new service will see [...]
I along with other Independent TD’s co-sponsored The ‘Foetal Pain Relief Bill 2021’ as we believe it is a humane and reasonable proposal worthy of majority support in the Dáil. “As legislators, we cannot ignore [...]
I welcome the publication of the National Rural Plan by Minister Heather Humphries today. “This new policy sets out all of the things that I have been advocating for including remote working and incentivising people [...]
I along with members of the Regional Group of Independent TDs are calling on the Government to act more proactively in terms of opening sectors of the economy. “The construction sector in particular is one [...]
I have called on the Government to intervene immediately in light of the very disappointing new Personal Injuries Guidelines published this weekend by the Judicial Council. “The Government need to do the right thing for [...]
The National Counselling Services are essential for Mother and Baby Home survivors and their families in advance of the publication of the Report by the Commission of Investigation into Mother and Baby Homes and Certain [...]
The Department of Children and Youth Affairs is holding a national consultation with young people on mental health and wellbeing during COVID-19. How’s Your Head – Young Voices during COVID-19 will hear directly from young [...]
I welcome the new customer protection regulations that have been announced for licensed moneylending services. The regulations to be introduced by the Central Bank include advising borrowers of high cost interest charges in any advertisements [...]