Canney welcomes revised farm flooding costings

A change to the way in which flooded farmland in counties Galway, Roscommon and Mayo is treated in terms of assessment for minor works schemes was welcomed this week by East Galway TD Seán Canney.
‘Revised criteria for the Minor Works scheme were recently published by the Office of Public Works. Previous criteria put a figure of €400 as the cost per hectare for land continuously flooded for one month. Now the figure has been increased to €1,045 for land in the western region, comprising counties Mayo, Roscommon and Galway.
‘This will mean that a number of schemes in these three counties which previously did not meet the cost benefit analysis will now do so. I believe that the previous figure was far too low and did not properly reflect the real cost of loss of farmland. The new figures take into account the real impact that farm flooding has on farm livelihoods and should see a greater number of problem areas tackled through the minor works scheme.
‘During my time as Minister for OPW and Flood Relief, I met a great many farmers in counties Galway, Roscommon and Mayo and saw at first hand the devastating impact that flooding had on their enterprise, particularly in cases where that flooding was long-lasting and a repeat occurrence.
‘These changes came into effect on June 1st and all local authorities have been notified of the changes. Following the introduction of these revised costings, I look forward to a number of new minor works schemes being developed in the three counties of the western region.’

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