Canney welcomes progress on flood relief schemes

Galway East TD Seán Canney this week welcomed progress on the Dunkellin and Aggard Flood Relief Scheme.
‘Work is ongoing on a range of projects in relation to the Dunkellin and Aggard Flood Relief Scheme, including the construction of a by-pass channel in Craughwell and a new two-stage channel from Dunkellin to Kileelybeg and work is expected to get underway in coming weeks on the construction of new bridges.
‘During the summer months pre-construction surveys and archaeological and environmental monitoring required by An Bord Pleanála was carried out. At the moment vegetation is being cleaned along the Dunkellin River to facilitate further works and vegetation on the Aggard Stream will be cleared in early 2018.
‘The construction of the by-pass channel is well advanced in Craughwell Village. This involved deepening the channel, constructing reinforced concrete walls and rock armour, the creation of new embankments and the replacement of the existing concrete and masonry bridge with a new precast concrete bridge. The replacement of the by-pass bridge was completed in October. The by-pass channel is currently being completed and will be in operation prior to further works on the Dunkellin River in Craughwell Village.
‘Construction of a two-stage channel from Dunkellin to Killeelybeg began in June. Works on this are progressing well at the moment and include the excavation of a two-stage channel and the construction of embankments.
‘The contract for bridge replacements at Rinn, Dunkellin and Killeelybeg is expected to be awarded in coming weeks with construction to begin next spring and an anticipated completion date of Autumn 2018.
‘The re-grading of the Dunkellin River is due to take place from May to September 2018, the river will be deepened from a position upstream of the R446 bridge to a distance of 950 metres downstream.
‘A licencing agreement between Galway County Council and Irish Rail to carry out deepening works through the railway bridge is currently being worked on. Works will involve the construction of a concrete apron at each abutment to protect the bridge after the deepening works. This work is due to take place next summer.
‘Channel maintenance on the Aggard stream and Monksfield River and the replacement of some structures on the Aggard Stream is scheduled to take place during the summer months in both 2018 and 2019.
‘The works are being monitored by Tobin Consulting Engineers and the environmental monitoring is being managed by RPS Group. Water quality is constantly being monitored upstream and downstream of the works area. Communication is also ongoing with Irish Rail in relation to the railway bridge and with local landowners whose land is being impacted by the works.’
‘This is a hugely important flood relief scheme for south Galway and I am determined that the momentum achieved to date should be maintained to ensure that the scheme of work is finished as soon as possible.’

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