Canney welcomes new childcare subsidies

New childcare subsidies which will benefit up to 70,000 children nationally were welcomed this week by Seán Canney TD.
‘Two new childcare subsidies are being introduced from September, one universal and one targeted at low income families. The new subsidies demonstrate this government’s commitment to delivering affordable accessible quality childcare.
The first is a universal subsidy of up to €1,040 per annum, which will be available for all children aged between 6 months and 36 months. Parents will not have to undergo any means test to avail of this subsidy.
‘The second is targeted at low income families. It is for children aged between 6 months and 15 years who are availing of registered childcare. The subsidy rate per hour will depend on the age of the child and the net income of the parents.
‘For parents with net incomes up to €22,700 per annum, this maximum rate of childcare subsidy will be payable. It will taper downwards as net income rises and will stop when net income reaches €47,500.
‘The maximum hourly subsidy rates for each hour of childcare used up to a maximum of 40 hours per week will range from €5.38 for a baby under 12 months to €3.96 for a school age child. The highest level of childcare support will be delivered to those families who need it most, with subsidies of up to €7,500 per annum.
‘Childcare capital funding has also been doubled and more than 2,200 new childcare places will be available from September. Three childcare providers in county Galway received funding towards the creation of new childcare places, nine childcare providers received grant funding towards building improvement and maintenance and 36 childcare providers received funding of up to €5,000 towards the creation of natural outdoor play areas.’

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