Canney welcomes increased co-operation on flooding
Increased co-operation between departments in relation to flooding has this week been welcomed by Seán Canney TD, Minister for OPW and Flood Relief.
‘Minister Denis Naughten recently authorised the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI) to establish a groundwater/turlough flood monitoring programme in conjunction with the Office of Public Works. This programme of work has already commenced and involves geological aerial surveying of the karst/limestone turloughs, monitoring of current water levels within turlough and historic analysis of rainfall and flooding and increased engagement between the GSI and local authorities to assist with the submission of proposals to the OPW for flood relief funding.
‘Turloughs are a hugely important element of the water system, particularly in the west and midlands and, while there is excellent local knowledge in some cases, not enough information is known in relation to the underground watercourses that drain these turloughs and the water systems they feed into. The current programme of works being undertaken by GSI in conjunction with OPW is important in terms of addressing the information deficit that currently exists.
‘This programme is also evidence of increasing co-operation between government departments in terms of fast-tracking flood relief measures and also demonstrates the importance of using existing resources in different departments to come up with solutions to flooding problems.
‘I would like to commend Minister Naughten on his openness to creating new ways to deal with flooding problems and I am also working in close co-operation with a number of other Ministers and departments, including agriculture, local government, heritage and tourism, with a view to bringing forward further proposals which will aim to alleviate flooding problems in the short, medium and longer term.’