Canney welcomes funding for roads in East Galway
Minister of State for OPW and Flood Relief, Seán Canney TD has welcomed news that TII (formerly the NRA) has allocated money to Galway County Council for two projects in Galway East.
‘The funding will allow for the design works to commence on the N17 from Milltown to Carrownurlaur. This portion of the N17 is the last remaining section of the road to be re-aligned.
‘Funding has also been provided for realignment of the N83 at Liss, Abbeyknockmoy. This section of road has one of the most dangerous bridges in the county. This road leads to the new motorway access at Annaghhill and will be a very busy connection to the motorway.’
In welcoming the funding for the design of both projects, Minister Canney emphasised the importance of the projects which will provide safe access along these very busy roads.