Canney welcomes funding for Institutes of Technology

Minister of State Seán Canney T.D. has welcomed the announcement by the Department of Education of funding of €2 million to the Connacht Ulster Alliance (CUA) which comprises of Galway Mayo Institute of Technology (GMIT) Sligo Institute of Technology (Sligo IT) and Letterkenny Institute of Technology (LIT).
‘The funding is allocated to the initiative to develop proposals leading to designation of the three Institutes as a Technical University’
‘The purpose is for the three Institutes to develop deep linkages and expand options for students in the Connacht Ulster region.’
‘As Chairperson of the Atlantic Economic Corridor Task Force I welcome this investment in third level education for the region. In order to create balanced development education is a fundamental tool in providing the skills to our young people. We will then have a ready made workforce with the necessary qualifications available to Industry considering locating in the region’

For further information contact Minister Canney on (086) 2513639
17th October 2019

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