Canney Welcomes Funding for Flood Relief for South Galway
Following my meeting with Senior Management of Galway County Council on the 30th August including Kevin Kelly CE, and Liam Gavin Director of Services, I confirm that Galway County Council at my instigation made an application to the Office of Public Works for funding to bring forward flood relief scheme for Gort and South Galway lowlands. I confirm that my office has today agreed to provide the necessary funding as requested. The funding will also include for a full time project Engineer to manage the project.
It is important that every effort is made to ensure that we put in place a full scheme to deal with the difficulties that have been experienced in the area.
With this in mind I have already reached agreement with Minister Denis Naughton TD to employ the Geological Survey of Ireland (GSI), Trinity College, and NUIG experts to examine the turloughs in the area.
I look forward to working with all the Stakeholders in an effort to bringing a solution forward as soon as possible.
This is the first step in achieving peace of mind for people who have suffered from severe flooding in 2009 & 2015.
For further information please contact deputy Seán Canney on (086) 2513639