Canney Welcomes €700k Additional funding for X-Ray and Ultrasound Services for Tuam Primary Care Centre
East Galway TD Seán Canney has been informed that the Department of Health have sanctioned €700,000 in additional funding for diagnostic services for Tuam Primary Care Centre.
Deputy Canney has lobbied the Department of Health on an on-going basis on this issue.
The funding will provide for X-Ray equipment, Ultrasound equipment, and funding for a Radiographer, Radiographer Assistant, Ultrasonographer, and Clerical Officer. This will allow for X-rays and ultrasounds to be carried out in Tuam. This will help alleviate the necessity to have to travel to Galway for these tests.
The new Primary Care Centre is nearing completion and handover. This €14 million investment by the HSE will be operational by the year end.
The investment will enable the provision of 200 X-rays per week and 60 ultrasounds per week.
‘I will continue to lobby for additional services for the Tuam Health Campus’ concluded Deputy Canney.