Canney Welcomes €25 Million funding for new STEM Building at GMIT

Deputy Seán Canney TD has been informed that the Department of Education are to provide €25 million for a new STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) building at the Galway Campus of GMIT.
The building will provide new 5387m² building to facilitate the projected demand for third level education in the fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
The building will provide a high quality facility offering students the opportunity to track, in real time, the performance of the power, water, ventilation, lighting, space heating and other systems with a ‘live building’.
At present there are 2,530 students studying STEM related courses. This figure could increase to 3,000 by 2021 alone, when the facility is expected to be operational.
‘As a former Lecturer in the College I am acutely aware that there is a lack of teaching space. The numbers of students are increasing year on year and the STEM building is necessary to meet current and future demand’.
‘I would like to take this opportunity to compliment Fergal Barry, President, Management and staff in GMIT for the excellent programmes that are being delivered by the Institute’ concluded Deputy Canney.

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