Canney welcomes decision to revoke regulations on tractor testing

Galway East TD Seán Canney has welcomed the decision by Minister Shane Ross to revoke Statutory Instrument 413 of 2017.
The Statutory Instrument was introduced to transpose the EU Directive 2014/45/EU into law. The Directive requires the roadworthiness testing of tractors used for commercial road haulage purposes which have a maximum design speed exceeding 40km/hr and the use of which takes place on public roads.
However, following legal advice the Minister has decided to revoke the Statutory Instrument for technical reasons. The decision was also taken on foot of the meeting between Transport officials and many farming groups to give exemption to fast tractors used for farming, fishery and forestry activity.
The Department will introduce a new set of regulations that will take into account the concerns of farming groups and at the same time meet our EU obligations.
’I am pleased that this decision has been made as it recognises the unintended negative effects the previous regulations had on the farming, fishing and forestry Industries. This will allow for full meaningful engagement with the farming community’.

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