Canney welcomes advance payments for Sheep Welfare Scheme
Seán Canney TD today welcomes the announcement that advance payments for year four of the Sheep Welfare Scheme are now underway.
The scheme will see €14,7 million paid to over 18,200 farmers. ‘The advance payments under the Sheep Welfare Scheme will be a welcome boost to many sheep farmers in county Galway and to the sector nationwide.
‘The Minister for Agriculture has committed to an additional year of the scheme as the CAP transitional period gets underway, which is also welcome news. The additional year of the scheme will open next February and there will be a chance for new entrants to join the scheme at this point.
‘The advance payments comprise 85% of the payment and the balancing 15% will be paid in the second quarter of next year. I would urge any farmers with outstanding queries to respond to the Department immediately to ensure timely payment.’