Galway East TD and Minister for Rural Affairs Seán Canney has urged farmers and owners of traditional farm buildings to apply for grants under the 2020 GLAS Traditional Farm Buildings Scheme.
The €1.25 million scheme funds the restoration and preservation of traditional farm buildings and structures such as historic yard surfaces, walls, gates and gate pillars.
Minister Canney said: “This is an opportunity for both conservation and enhancement of the rural landscape but the benefits of the scheme go beyond retaining the structures for future generations because it can also make a significant contribution to biodiversity.”
The scheme is open to applicants who participate in the Green Low-Carbon Agri-Environment Scheme and is jointly funded by the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine under Ireland’s 2014-2020 Rural Development Programme. The applications process is administered by the Heritage Council on behalf of the department.
Grants can cover up to 75% of the cost of the works and can range from €4,000 to €25,000.
Awardees will be chosen on a competitive basis and it is expected that between 70 and 80 projects will be supported.
Applications for the scheme will close at 5pm on Tuesday February 18 2020. Application forms and details of the scheme’s terms and conditions can be downloaded at .
For more information, contact Minister Canney on 086-2513639
January 16 2020