Sean Canney Independent TD along with the Independent Regional Group of TDs published their pre-budget submission 2025 today urging the Government to adopt an integrated approach with clear, actionable goals in its final budget. The TDs call for a comprehensive strategy, with established measures to evaluate outcomes and ensure accountability across all government departments.
We stand united in championing the interests of regional Ireland. With many individuals and families feeling financially insecure, Budget 2025 must prioritise income security for all. This requires recurring taxation and expenditure measures aimed at protecting the most vulnerable, closing income gaps, and addressing the escalating pressures on working families and individuals.
As a group we are calling for a thorough review of tax credits and the social welfare system to ensure that employment remains financially rewarding, alongside crucial revisions to medical card income guidelines to expand healthcare access. The group remains steadfast in its commitment to supporting individuals with disabilities and their carers.
Addressing both social and environmental sustainability challenges in regional Ireland is at the heart of the Regional Group’s pre-budget submission. They advocate for affordable and sustainable housing as a cornerstone of stable communities, and support funding for social spaces that foster community well-being, particularly in the post-COVID-19 era.
Rejuvenating towns and villages are vital to breathing life into regional Ireland. The independent TDs support the succession and transfer of family assets, encouraging the next generation to maintain and innovate within local businesses and family farms. This approach not only rejuvenates industries but also promotes sustainable investments that reduce the carbon footprint, allowing regional Ireland to thrive. They also call for enhanced support for rural and regional businesses and the farming community to meet emission reduction targets.
The Regional Group members emphasise the urgent need for additional mental health supports, calling for multi-annual funding for organisations delivering these critical services. They advocate for expanding and supporting health services, particularly mental health services provided in community settings and closer to home care for patients. Noting the high mortality rate of eating disorders the group stress the need for robust prevention and early intervention measures. They also call for access to counselling and psychotherapy services in all primary and secondary schools, and for the expansion of tax relief to include these services as eligible health expenses.
Continuing their support for young people, the Regional Group of TDs again this year call for the introduction and funding of a national quit vaping and nicotine program for children and teenagers. They also advocate for a ban on the sale of non-prescription vaping products, following the lead of Australia.
The Independent Regional Group TDS highlight the importance of adapting the education and training sector to industry demands, with a focus on apprenticeships, retraining, and higher education. They propose that the underutilised National Training Fund, currently over €1.5 billion, be directed towards supporting digital and green career paths, funding apprenticeships, and providing training vouchers to enhance employability.
The Regional Group’s vision for Budget 2025 extends beyond immediate challenges, aiming for a sustainable, prosperous, and inclusive future for all. This requires a whole-of-government approach to the climate challenge, engaging with businesses, workers, and local communities, and investing in the infrastructure necessary to transition to a low-carbon economy. They also stress the importance of bolstering small local businesses, ensuring they have the support needed to thrive in a competitive market.
The Independent Regional Group of TDs call for a results-driven Budget 2025, evaluated transparently and accountable to the public. With a focus on sustainable housing, cost of living, health, regional development, education, small local businesses, carers, and the well-being of vulnerable people this prebudget submission advocates for a better future for all. They look forward to constructive engagement with Ministers Donohoe and Chambers in the run up to Budget 2025.

Sean Canney TD
086 2513639

The Independent Regional Group include:
Cathal Berry TD Mobile: 087 879 1806
Sean Canney TD Mobile: 086 251 3639
Peter Fitzpatrick TD Mobile: 086 251 2577
Noel Grealish TD Mobile: 086 850 9466
Michael Lowry TD Office: 0504 20739/22022
Verona Murphy TD Mobile: 087 253 2720
Denis Naughten TD Mobile: 086 170 8800
Matt Shanahan TD Mobile: 086 268 1551