The funding crisis at Galway County Council is unacceptable and action is needed immediately, Galway East TD and Minister for Rural Affairs Seán Canney has said.
Minister Canney is calling on the Minister for Local Government John Paul Phelan to visit Galway County Council as a matter of urgency to explain his plans for rectifying the situation to the executive.
He said: “We currently have a ludicrous situation where we have a broken funding model that is leaving the County Council starved of resources.
“Geographically we are the second largest county in Ireland, yet we have the fourth lowest funding per head of population.
“The situation is unacceptable and disrespectful to our citizens, to the elected members, to the local authority and to the county. It means the council is struggling to maintain essential services, such as roads, while pressure on staff means important processes such as applications for funding from central Government are at risk of being missed out on.
“When the amalgamation of Galway City Council and Galway County Council was reviewed, the findings of the review committee cited funding as an immediate priority for Galway County Council.
“We also have a situation where many of the key positions within the council, including that of the Chief Executive, are acting positions. There is no security and it is not good for morale or for the good governance of the council.
“We have had an acting Chief Executive for the last four years and it sends out completely the wrong message. Enough is enough. We have had plenty of discussion. We need action now.”
-For more information, contact Minister Canney on 086-2513639
July 19 2019