Calls on the Government to provide additional Rural Social Scheme places

Calls on the Government to provide additional Rural Social Scheme places and to streamline access for placement onto the TUS scheme.
I have expressed concern that the stimulus package as announced by the Government does not allow for any increase in numbers for the Rural Social Scheme.
The Rural Social Scheme was set up as a support scheme for farmers on low income and is a vital component in providing resources in communities. Al present the number of participants in Galway East is capped at 218 but there are at least 40 people on a waiting list.
Likewise, the TUS scheme is a one year programme run by the Rural Development Companies. People come off the live register but if people are on a jobpath programme the participant is not being put forward by the Department of Social Protection and this system is slowing down the number.
During the lockdown in the country the value of our Rural Social Schemes and our TUS workers came into focus. The community resilience was supported by these schemes and without them there would be widespread isolation of our most vulnerable’
‘These schemes have since their inception delivered many community projects and have helped to keep our communities clean and presentable as well as helping our most vulnerable and those living along in rural areas’
‘The services being provided by the schemes need to be supported and extended at Central Government, otherwise our country villages and community facilities will suffer’.

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