Calls for the Army to be utilised to accelerate the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine
I have called on the Government to mobilise the Army and the National Army Reserve to help deliver the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine in the quickest time possible.
“The Army are ready, equipped, they have the medical expertise and logistical experience to help deliver the vaccine and help administer it”.
“The National COVID-19 Vaccination Strategy as published is a document of 56 pages which is full if aspiration”.
“People have hope that the vaccine is the way out of the Pandemic, but the Government need to set out a comprehensive programme for testing. The Government need to utilise all organs of the state to deliver the vaccine to as many people as possible within the shortest time frame as soon as it becomes available”.
“This is a National Emergency and we need to see a proper programme with targets and dates so that we can see the pathway forward”
“Closing down the economy is a necessity, but we need to combine that decision with a clear programme complete with delivery time and a weekly report to show progress with the vaccine”.
“In this way the Government will demonstrate strong leadership in our time of need”.