Calls for a Mediator to be appointed to resolve Special Needs Education as a matter of urgency

I have today proposed that a facilitator be brought in to help solve the impasse in relation to Special Needs Education. There is too much public rhetoric and now we need a solution
“At a meeting of the Oireachtas Committee on Disability Matters, I proposed the committee write to the Minister for Education requesting that a mediator or facilitator be appointed to help the present difficulties between the Minister and Unions in getting Special Needs Education back on track”.
“Children and their parents are at their wits end and they have been given too many false dawns over the last two weeks. It is my view that both sides have lost the focus and the children are suffering”.
“I am getting emails and messages from parents who are totally lost as the Minister and the Union leaders battle it out on the airwaves. There is too much public rhetoric and now we need a solution”.
“It is past time to re-focus on the real issue and put the children first. It is our duty to act to protect these children who are so vulnerable, and this game needs to end”.
“There is a solution to be found that protects teachers and SNA staff and at the same time gets the children back to their education”.

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