Call on Government to fast track supports for private Wastewater Treatment Plants.
I have called on the Government to fast-track funding for existing Wastewater Treatment Plants so that they can be taken in charge by Irish Water.
There are in excess of 560 housing estates which have wastewater plants which Irish Water are refusing to take in charge.
“The onus is left with the residents of these estates to maintain the plant. It is a huge burden on residents”.
“So far the Government have allocated €3.36 million to sort 26 of the treatment plants but at that rate of progress it will take over 20 years to sort out the issues nationally”.
“I am urging the Government to fast-track funding to allow for these wastewater Treatment Plants to be upgraded and taken in charge”.
“It is unfair that homeowners have to bear a financial burden for the servicing and maintenance of these plants.
The Developer Provided Water Services Infrastructure Scheme (DPI) is the mechanism to deal with these legacy issues as they are an environmental time bomb and a burden to our citizens”.