Call for changes to Farm Inspection regime

Call for changes to Farm Inspection regime

I have written to the Minister for Agriculture Mr. Michael Creed requesting a change to the Departments inspection regime for single farm payments.
Presently once an inspection takes place penalties are automatically imposed on the farmer. There is no time allocated to allow the farmer address the problem. In many cases the issues are very minor. I am calling on the Minister to allow a 30 days period in order for the farmer to rectify the problem.
‘The protocol is presently in place for the Board Bia Quality Assurance Scheme and it is proving to be very successful’.
‘Inspections by their nature are very stressful for the farmer and if the inspection allowed 30 days to take corrective action it would remove the stress. Farming is very volatile with flood, drought, and fluctuation in prices so it is only right that we assist the farm family to get the maximum grants they are entitled to’.


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