Bus corridor proposals from Claregalway to Galway City subject to another review
I have criticised the NTA for their efforts in establishing a bus lane between Claregalway and Galway City on the N83.
“The latest reply I received from the NTA about the project states that proposed bus lane is awaiting the outcome of the Bus Connects Network design for Galway City”.
“It is unbelievable that there is now another review when everyone knows that the bus lane is imperative if we are to take cars off the roads.
Workers travelling to Galway City for work need to be sure that the bus service is reliable and will get them to work on time.
The proposed route is so simple with all the land available. This project is being pushed around for years”.
“More money is being spent on reports, reviews, feasibility studies and now another report.
If we are serious about public transport, we need to spend public money on projects that are achievable, can be delivered and will offer faster services for commuters”