Burning of Agricultural Waste needs to continue as good farming practice

I welcome the extension of the derogation for 2022 for farming activities on the The Waste Management (Prohibition of Waste Disposal by Burning) Regulations 2009 makes it an offence to dispose of waste by uncontrolled burning.

As an exemption, Article 5 of the Regulations provides for the permissible disposal of waste by burning under certain conditions where the material to be burned consists of uncontaminated wood, trees, tree trimmings, leaves, brush, or other similar waste generated by agricultural practices only, provided that such burning is done as a final measure following the application of the waste hierarchy. This exemption has now been extended for 2022.

“We cannot ban the activity as it is integral to good farming practice and as there is no alternative option common sense must prevail”.

Article 6 of the Regulations provides a sunset clause for this exemption following which it would be necessary to make an application to a local authority for a Certificate of Registration under the Waste Management Facility Permit Regulations in relation to the activity in question.

As no progress has been made on the feasibility of alternative options to the burning of this waste such as mulching and chipping it is proposed to provide a further one-year extension for 2022.

“There is no point in banning essential agricultural practices until there are viable, workable alternatives in place”

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