I am greatly concerned that there is a major accident waiting to happen on Bridge Street Dunmore due to the condition of buildings along the street and the narrow roadway.
In 2019 as Minister for State for Rural Affairs, I allocated €500,000.00 for works to acquire properties and widen the street.
To date nothing has been done and some derelict buildings are now at the point of collapsing and I understand that the Council own some of the properties in question.
Bridge street is so narrow and is the only access for through traffic and the street is not fit for purpose. The stop-go system is not the solution.
Bridge Street is part of the regional road. There are residents living here and they take their lives into their hands every time they come out their front door.
Children are also at risk as they walk to and from the National School on this road. The risk from traffic mounting the footpath and the real risk of parts of the derelict building falling onto the road cannot be tolerated.
The Council and TII cannot continue to do nothing and run the risk of a serious incident.
I am calling for an immediate decision to demolish the buildings at risk of collapse and a decisive plan to widen the street. Galway County Council and TII need to address this issue urgently.
This is a serious Health and Safety issue which needs an urgent long-term solution. We cannot stand over this neglect any longer and both Galway County Council and TII have a duty of care to the public and residents and school children.